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Bench Benchmark test video

Oct 16, 2016

Here you can download Monster Hunter the Official Benchmark. This benchmark tool sports a series of advanced technology including Real Time Rendering, Physical Based Shading, Realistic Vegetation Rendering, NVIDIA PhysX Clothing, NVIDIA Hairworks and NVIDIA HBAO+.

Tencent Games, Nvidia and Crytek just released the official benchmark program for Monster Hunter Online. Players around the world can download the benchmark to test the game on their PCs. Although the benchmark is meant to be used by players worldwide, there's still no word on whether the game will be released in the international market. The benchmark program is 1 gigabyte.

Monster Hunter Online, NVIDIA and Crytek have joined hands and accomplished this stunning benchmark program.The program is based on client game Monster Hunter Online, and was produced with world's leading game engine CRYENGINE.A series of advanced technology including Real Time Rendering, Physical Based Shading, Realistic Vegetation Rendering, NVIDIA PhysX Clothing, NVIDIA Hairworks and NVIDIA HBAO+ helped creating such magnificent and realistic hunting environment.

Recommended Computer Configuration:

*Windows7/8/8.1 operating system
* Intel Core i3 or better processor
* NVIDIA GeForce GTX 760 2GB or other equal video card
* DirectX 9.0C, DirectX 11

After downloading and installation, you can experience graphics and immersive hunting experience Monster Hunter Online means to offer